Thursday, August 28, 2014

PLN outline 1

Summary: “The Vision of Students Today”, by Dr. Michael Wesch, displays that technology can be a great or negative thing if students use it at the wrong time. Wesch’s video shows that in order to make change happen students have to voice their  opinion and let it be heard. If using the technology in class, most kids state they are doing things completely irrelevant to what they’ve been asked to do. This shows how technology can both be beneficial and negative; it just matters on how children use it and how they look at it.

In Dr. Michael Wesch's, “The Vision of Students Today,” incorrectly portrays the amount of time students spend on school work because people get distracted easily and procrastinate. In the video, a couple of students hold up signs stating how technology distracts them while doing homework. Many students spend hours a night doing “homework.” When doing homework, it’s really easy to get distracted by the things around such as cellphones, computers, even the television is distracting. When doing homework, if students would just focus on the homework and no phone, computer, or TV then they would be better off and homework would take less time than the people who are constantly texting and doing things that distract them from doing work. However, technology can be helpful because textbooks are mainly online and students can share documents with teachers rather than having to print all the papers out and turn them in.  Students can access their documents quickly by just a quick search, and they can reach classmates helping them on homework by just connecting online on their computers.  At first glance, the video shows that student’s days are overcrowded because it shows that students have to multitask; however, if the reader thinks more deeply about it, the video demonstrates that technology is a distraction because it takes away many hours from student’s days through texting while doing homework. “A Vision Of Students Today,” by Doctor Michael Wesch shows if kids focused on school work, and not technology, such as facebook during class, they would have more free time to use.


  1. Deven- Make sure your summary paragraph comes first then you have your response paragraph. Also, make sure that your response paragraph has a "because" part of the topic sentence. You also idenitfy both side of the argument well, but you should have quotations as examples. And make sure to proofread your response since there are a number of proofreading errors.

    With your summary, you should use a strong verb in your topic setnencec. Also, eliminate personal words.


  2. Also, make sure your font color shows up- it should be white.
